Users: 1: Computers: 0: Different versions: 0: Total Keys: 768: Total Clicks: 1,400: Total Usage: 1 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds: Average Usage: 1 hour, 6 minutes. Rune Factory 4 (Citra - citra-gcc-sse4.1) Post by STN » Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:28 pm. Made by vo0029 This is the table for rune factory 4 play on citra sse4.1 (not work. Rune Factory 4 has a vast map, and unlocking fast travel can make the whole game a lot more pleasant. You can get the ability to fast travel not too far into the game, but it’s not apparent how. . Add Rune Factory 4 Special (ASIA) cheat by robin5968 Add Rune Factory 4 Special (ASIA) Save Editor with script and cheat by robin5968. Add Rabi-Ribi ingame cheat. Add Rabi-Ribi ingame.
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Refight bosses multiple times per day
Rune Factory 4 3ds Cheats
You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.Print This Page |
- standard UIInput attributes (see faces-config.xml)
- rendered, binding, immediate, required, validator, valueChangeListener, converter, value, style, styleClass
- toolbar = { basic, full, <custom> }
- readonly
- tabindex
- width
- height
- textareaStyle, textareaClass
- editorStyle, editorClass
- lang
- skin
- config
- CKEditor JavaScript configuration, see CKEditor docs and Configuration sample
- maximized
- editMode
Client-Side Events
- all of the actions should be exposed externally as JSF behaviors may react on them
- oninit
- fired when editor is initialized and ready
- onfocus
- onblur
- onchange
- fired after blur only if editor is dirty (the same as for text input/textarea)
- ondirty
- fired when editor content is changed by any available action (key press, button action, paste, etc.)
- onresize
- oneditmodechange
JavaScript API
- component exposes API for triggering actions on editor itself
- getValue()
- setValue(newValue)
- getEditor() - returns associated CKEditor instance
- getInput() - returns textarea
- focus()
- blur()
- isFocused()
- isDirty() - resets on blur and on setValue or on ajax update
- isValueChanged() - reset on setValue or on ajax update
- isReadonly()
- setReadonly()
- getMode() = {wysiwyg, source)
- getWidth()
- getHeight()
- selection API
- etc.
Popups Customization
- most of the editor implementations bundles own modal panels for attaching files, setting options, etc.
- provide events and callbacks to allow reimplementing them
Editor Settings
- only toolbar = { basic, full } provided
- attribute @config added
- check CKEDitor docs or sample for detailed configuration
Alternative formats
- use JSF converters to convert to alternative formats, no proprietary attributes (like useSeamText)
- default editor skin called 'richfaces' fitting to the RichFaces skinning (including editor popups and dialogs)
- attribute @skin for changing skin: richfaces (default), kama, v2, office2003
Mobile Support
Ultra Toyherb Rune Factory 4
- simple textarea used as editor on mobiles
- editor resources not loaded on mobile devices
- editor is initialized after complete page load, size fits to original textarea
- delay before initialization of editor, but do not block interactivity of the page
- mandatory resources are pre-loaded on @JsfResource basis
Rune Factory 4 Save Editor
- editor resources will be compressed and will be possible to merge them into single files per type (CSS, JavaScript, images)