
Topic Subject:Console Command: Remove Plague?
posted 15 February 2010 22:32 EDT (US)
Is there a command to remove the plague from a character or city?
If there is, could you write the code for removing it from a character (i.e. family member or captain)
Rome 2 medieval mods
posted 16 February 2010 02:13 EDT (US) 1 / 9
Press the end turn button about five-to-ten times.
Plagues come- but they also go. Lock down an infected place by not moving anybody into or out of it until the plague burns itself out.
Time is the only way I have found to rid oneself of plague.
|||||||||||||||| A transplanted Viking, born a millennium too late. |||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||| Too many Awards to list in Signature, sorry lords...|||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||| Listed on my page for your convenience and envy.|||||||||||||||||
Somewhere over the EXCO Rainbow
Master Skald, Order of the Silver Quill, Guild of the Skalds
Champion of the Sepia Joust- Joust I, II, IV, VI, VII, VIII

Rome: Europa Barbarorum. Fans of historical accuracy will be delighted with Europa Barbarorum. Forum: Rome Medieval Rome Medieval is a modification for RTW 1.5, it is a full conversion for RTW,focusing on the rise of the Medieval Kingdoms, through the rise and the fall of the Crusades, continues to the last days of the Medieval age.

posted 16 February 2010 04:57 EDT (US) 2 / 9
Reducing the population and thus the squalor using 'add_population -nnnn' can be a great help indirectly, but there is nowhere recorded a cheat that will do it directly. And when your characters get the plague, there's nothing you can do about it (unless they are a spy, in which case infiltrate an enemy settlement to infect them too. )
posted 16 February 2010 05:16 EDT (US) 3 / 9
The only type of plague you can do anything about is a historical one, like that plague which automatically hits Thessalonica in the early 250's BC, right at the very point where you don't need it as you want to be making phalanx pikemen every turn. You can edit the, I think it's descr_events file, and switch off any historical disasters you want. They'll still be announced in the game, but you won't suffer the plague for it.
posted 16 February 2010 12:45 EDT (US) 4 / 9
I could care less if a city has it, I just hate losing a 6 star.
posted 25 February 2010 19:13 EDT (US) 5 / 9
Not sure if this works yet.
Open the following directory (depending on your OS):
C:Program Files (x86)ActivisionRome - Total WarDataworldmapsbase
Open 'descr_disasters'
Edit the following so that everything is set to '0'
event plague
frequency 0
winter false
summer false
min_scale 0
max_scale 0
I have not tried to delete the entry. That may work too.
This is the only directory where i've found this info.

[This message has been edited by nander491 (edited 02-25-2010 @ 10:54 PM).]

posted 26 February 2010 05:47 EDT (US) 6 / 9
First make back-up file
posted 26 February 2010 05:55 EDT (US) 7 / 9

Quoted from NightProwler:

First make back-up file
Always good advice!
|||||||||||||||| A transplanted Viking, born a millennium too late. |||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||| Too many Awards to list in Signature, sorry lords...|||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||| Listed on my page for your convenience and envy.|||||||||||||||||
Somewhere over the EXCO Rainbow
Master Skald, Order of the Silver Quill, Guild of the Skalds
Champion of the Sepia Joust- Joust I, II, IV, VI, VII, VIII
posted 26 February 2010 17:21 EDT (US) 8 / 9
The character just outlasted his plague so I am not in the predicament anymore (he was young enough I guess to be healthy)
But I'm not gonna change any files...
posted 27 February 2010 07:42 EDT (US) 9 / 9
A sound decision!
Once you start down the path of modding, there's no way back. I have a still unfinished really pretty minor mod that I started months back and still isn't finished...
Total War Heaven » Forums » Rome: Total War Discussion » Console Command: Remove Plague?Top

Assembly Kit (TWR2)

Total War: ROME II – Assembly Kit Beta

Following the successful launch of the Steam Workshop for ROME II, we are pleased to release version one of the Assembly Kit for ROME II.The Assembly Kit is currently in Beta, and its feature-set will expand over time. If you have any questions or find any bugs to report, please visit the official forums here: https://forums.totalwar.com/forumdisplay.php/181-Total-War-ROME-II-Game-Mods

The Assembly Kit is essentially a collection of tools and example data files that will help modders create bigger and better mods. It contains:

  • TWeak with the following two plugins
    • DaVE – the game database editor
    • Variant Editor – for editing the look of characters, units and ships
  • BOB – for processing data including:
    • Textures
    • Models
    • Animations
    • Database tables
    • Group formations
    • Campaign starting positions
    • Packing files into mod pack
  • Exporters
    • 3ds max for models
    • Motion Builder for animations
    • Maya for animations
  • Data
    • Example data for each supported data type
    • The complete database backend

These tools will allow for the creation of mods that can then be uploaded to the Steam Workshop via the ROME II root folder (SteamsteamappscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kit).

You can find instructions for this here:

Rome 2 Medieval Mod

This Beta release is designed to allow for the tools and processes to be tested by modders through usage, and to make sure there are no issues. We’ll post official documentation over the next few days and weeks, which will ultimately cover all areas of the Assembly Kit.

We’re looking forward to seeing what everyone will make with these tools, and the Assembly Kit will be updated over time to include other tools as well.To download the Assembly Kit, open your Steam client, and click Library->tools. Scroll down to Total War: ROME II – Assembly Kit BETA and double-click to install.

Once the Assembly Kit is installed via the tools menu in Steam, users can find all the tools here in their Rome II root folder:

SteamsteamappscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kit

Known Issue [as of 16/01/2014]:

If the user launches the Assembly Kit through the Tools section of Steam it will generate a file called steam_appid.txt in; C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kitbinaries

If the user then attempts to process a campaign start_pos through BOB it will NOT generate the start_pos.esf file because Rome2 will crash before it is able to start the process.

There is a work around – if the user manually deletes the file steam_appid.txt from the above directory it will work correctly, however if they launch via the Tools menu in Steam the file will be re-generated. This will not harm or affect the users game in any way.

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