OpenModelica is a free and open source simulation software based on modeling. By converting our sims to HTML5, we make them seamlessly available across platforms and devices. Whether you have laptops, iPads, chromebooks, or BYOD, your favorite PhET sims are always right at your fingertips.Become part of our mission today, and transform the learning experiences of.

Credits:3d Physics Simulation Software Free
  • Prof. S.K. Saha (IIT Delhi): Supervision
  • Mr. Rajeevlochana G Chittawadigi (Asst. Professor, Amrita School of Engineering Bangalore): Mentoring and coordination
  • Mr. Shamanth Hampali (2013, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): Version 2 comprising of kinematic and dynamic analysis of four-bar, slider crank and five-bar mechanisms
  • Mr. Rakshith Lokesh (2014, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): Version 3 with forward kinematics of around 10 mechanisms
  • Mr. Rohit Kumar (2015 and 2016, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): More mechanisms and Dynamic simulation of four-bar mechanism in Versions 4 and 4.1.
  • Mr. Sachin Kumar Verma (2015 and 2016, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): Velocity Accleration Diagram (VAD) Module and Static Force Analysis (SFA) Module in Versions 4 and 4.1.
  • Mr. Sripad Vantamuri (2016, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): More mechanisms added to MechAnalyzer Version 4.1.
  • Ms. Janani Swaminathan (2016 and 2017, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): Static Force Analysis (SFA) Module in Version 4.1 and Instantaneous Center Method for Velocity analysis in Version 5
  • Mr. Siddhant Jain (2017, Summer Intern from NITK Surathkal): CAM module in Version 5
  • Ms. Dikshithaa R (2017, Summer Intern from Amrita School of Engineering Bangalore): Gear Profile Module in Version 5

freeCAD is capable of full 3D pan, zoom, tilt and rotate on an assembly of parts in wireframe or rendered graphics. Parts can be solids or DXF file imports. Available solids are extrusions of rectangles, circles, ellipses and polygons. The parts can be positioned and oriented exactly in space, as are markers on the parts. Exact specification of linear and angular velocities of parts in space are also possible. Mass and inertia properties can be user specified or automatically computed based on uniform density. Available joints are spherical (ball), revolute (pin), translational (slider), cylindrical, planar, fixed, universal, point in line, point in plane, parallel, perpendicular, no rotation, constant velocity, rack pinion, screw. Both open and closed 3D loops are permitted. The curve-curve contact allows liftoffs and collisions based on coefficient of restitution. Available actuators are rotational, translational and full six DOF. Their motions are user prescribed functions of time. Forces and torques are user prescribed functions of time, displacements and velocities in all three components or along connecting markers. Example formulas for spring, damper, bushing, beam, aerodynamic, inverse square law and other forces and torques are given. Available functions are sqrt, exp, ln, lg, sin, cos, tan, arctan, arctan2, spline, spectral density. Users can specify constant gravity of arbitrary magnitude and direction.

freeCAD can compute kinematic, quasi-static or dynamic solutions for any interval of time going forward or backward based on the assembly and user requests. It does redundant constraint removal automatically and nondimensionalizes the equations for improved accuracy and stability of models that are microscopic or gigantic. Simulation progress is animated and the simulation can be stopped any time. After simulation, the computed solution can be used for animation or frame by frame analysis. Full 3D pan, zoom, tilt and rotate is available during simulation and animation.

3d Physics Simulation Software Freeware


3d Simulation software, free download

Users can obtain engineering data in the form of plots and tabular output. XY plots can be zoomed and set to equal scales. Data series available include linear and angular displacements, velocities, accelerations, forces, torques, momenta and kinetic energies. Acceleration data include transverse, centripetal and Coriollis accelerations. Users can view forces and torques from joints, constraints, actuators, springs, dampers, applied forces and inertia. Fourier tranforms of all times series are available. Individual parts can be save into files and reinserted into any assembly repeatedly. Assemblies can be saved in binary or human readable, tab delimited, text format with notes and simulation data for later reload. The text format allows pre and post processing of assemblies by other programs, especially spreadsheet programs. Other specific text formats are for MOSES, PDMS Review and POV-Ray. freeCAD runs on Windows, Linux PC and Mac OS/X. Assembly data are unchanged across platforms.